Saturday, December 25, 2010

Night Before Departure. . .Destination Germany

This past semester went by in a blur. I thought that it would never end and that winter break would never come and that this trip was a long ways off. But here I am posting a blog the night before departure. I'm feeling nervous and exited all at the same time. I'm hoping that I didn't over pack or under pack. I'm hoping that I didn't forget to do something important. I'm hoping this study abroad experience will be everything that I'm expecting and so much more.

Now what else is on my mind . . . I'm looking forward to the New Year in Bonn. I love fireworks, but at the same time is the first New Year I am not going to welcome with my family, at the moment it feels kind of bitter sweet. I bought a coat and an anxious to try it out and see just how warm it is. I can't wait to visit the Sigmund Freud house. I'm very excited to visit the zoo and the veterinary hospital. I have this constant fear of getting lost but after this program hopefully I'll be more confident in my navigation skills. I bought a book at Barnes and Nobles tittled German for Dummies and am currently debating whether to pack it or not. I also feel like I'm going on a rant here . . . it must be the nerves typing.

Well, I know I'm being sent off with lots of support from all of my friends and family. All they as is that I be careful, have fun, and take lots and lots of pictures, which reminds me to pack my camera! Alright then, Germany here I come!!

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