Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day one, wow I can't believe I slept that whole flight... (Blog 2)

Monday, December 27th, 2010

We arrived in Frankfurt on 27th of December. It was quite cold outside but it was a different cold than when I left Houston. Temperature wise it was way colder, but it must have been much dryer because it wasn’t the miserable cold I left back home.

We left the airport by bus with our tour guide and assistant to the director of our program Nills. Nills was a cool guy that has a wonderful grasp on the English language and is knowledgeable on a variety of topics. After arriving in Bonn we got out room keys and roommate assignments. The hotel was nice and with good accommodations. It was different than home but just as developed with more of a modern feel in a lot of ways. My only other experiences overseas have been to Nigeria and Kenya. I had been in Frankfurt airport and Heathrow London before but never seen enough to appreciate Europe. After touring the town a bit, we enjoyed our first taste of German food and beer. The beer was as good as everyone hyped it up to be. Shortly after a few beers we turned in for the night. Thankfully I slept the whole night.

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