Saturday, July 19, 2014

Vienna or Paris??

How do I even begin to describe this week? Vienna was flawless. Paris was…eh. 

Lets start with Vienna… We were there with the rest of our group and went to quite a few museums. Josephinum, Sigmund Freud, House of Music and the Fools Tower, just to name a few. The Fools Tower was definitely my favorite. It was the huge pathology museum with lots a real specimens, it was pretty creepy. In the cool kind of way. 

The best part of Vienna though, besides the incredible town/views/people, was the Amusement park. We seriously had so much fun there. That was something I didn’t really expect to see in a place like that. We also met some really cute guys, so that totally made me wanna stay there even more. It was a city full of Brads.

All in all, Vienna was my favorite place I have been. It was somewhere i could see myself going back to in the future and wanting to take my family there.

Paris on the other hand…

Honestly, it was really cool. The Lourve, the Arc de Triumph, the Champs Elysees, the original Chanel store.. Paris has so much to offer and it was incredible to go to all the museums and eat macaroons and drink wine near the Eiffel tower.. BUT it was SO hectic.

The subways were a MESS. first of all, metro means subway, NOT bus. That took us awhile to figure out. secondly, it was always packed with no air circulation. and third, it was the most confusing system i’ve ever tried to navigate. after being in Vienna and using their subway systems i was definitely not impressed with Paris’ metro system.

My favorite part of Paris though was the Palace of Versailles. It was gorgeous. Louis XIV had it going on back in the day!! The Lourve was pretty incredible too. It was just so big, and there were so many people it made it kind of hard to enjoy all the beauty of the museum and its art. I saw the Mona Lisa, obviously. And i’m shocked by how small it was. I know everyone says that its pretty small but I think compared to all the massive paintings in that room it just really highlighted the average sizedness of the Mona Lisa. 

Paris was a fun city, it really was. Its just so big i wish we had more time to see everything it has to offer. But on the other hand, its really crowded and idk i feel like it was a little bit dirty too, like my hands constantly needed sanitizer. But i still liked it.

Also, I went to the original Chanel store in France and bought myself a pair of Chanel earrings. That was my big purchase of the trip and i can’t believe i even bought them but i love them and they were worth the price tag. It was a big moment for me and something I'll never forget from this trip.

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