Saturday, July 12, 2014

Ich möchte!

Our first week in Bonn finally ends with our last German class. Ms. Susanne (pronounced Zuzana) took us out to an ice cream bar, but only on one condition: we had to order in German. So I ordered somewhat like this: Ich möchte ein kugel schokolade und ein kugel erdbeere in hörnchern. After class, I also had rindswurst for the first time (which was basically a beef sausage in a baguette).

The week started with a wonderful visit to Elisa' s relatives in Duisburg. We visited SeaLife, which I have never been to in the United States, and also a breath taking art museum at the Gasometer Oberhausen, where we were fortunate enough to experience a breath-taking light show. To put a cherry on the cake, we also were able to experience a full german breakfast and amazing spicy food. Classes started on Monday with a lecture by Dr. Wasser on the various types of health care systems across the world. It was perhaps the most interesting lecture I've had till date! He made us realize how there is no one correct system and that perhaps the American health care system has a long way to go. In addition, we had lectures on the history of medicine in ancient Greece and Egypt. However, I must say that the most interesting part of this week has been the trip to Köln. Climbing 500 steps up the Köln Dome, which is the second largest cathedral in the world, was indeed a challenge  but nevertheless, a remarkable experience. I took lots of pictures too! We also visited the prisons of the gestapo during the nazi era. Reading the stories and struggles of innocent men, women, and children truly gave me a greater picture of what an individual went through with the nazi rule.

All in all, this week was better than I ever expected. Next week we are flying to Vienna and I am beyond excited!
This one is my favorite!

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