Monday, July 28, 2014

Third Free Weekend

While everyone else in our class had their weekend planned out, Chanel and I decided to just go with the flow. After our two weeks of nonstop traveling it was actually really nice to just relax. Even though Norderney was relaxing too it felt awesome to be home. I definetely gained respect for people who travel for work all the time, it's so exhausting. 

After class Friday we said our goodbyes to everyone going to catch a train and then casually walked around Bonn in search if the perfect place to eat. We found a cafe with well priced food and ideal for people watching and ended up staying for three hours. I can't remember the name or even where it was but not paying attention to the time was amazing and I tried gnocchi for the first time!

Afterwards we headed home and were surprised to find the whole family present. Our host sister had celebrated her birthday which was on Wednesday in köln and now we were going to celebrate it all together. We cut up a bunch of raw meat and veggies as a fam and then set up a table in the backyard for fondue! I was scared because you're not allow to season anything before placing it in the pot but it ending up being really good. 

Since we live right off of the Rhine Aue we attended the Beer Fest that evening. It was actually really cool to see how much if a family event it was. Our host mom and brother would buy different beers that you couldn't normally find here and compare (we tried cherry beer and honey beer). It was the first time I really noticed a difference in family dynamic because of the drinking age. Drinking felt so casual with them, and seemed to make them closer, like an activity they were able to do together. I also noticed how open our brother was to introducing his mom to all the friends he bumped into. Then again I'm not sure if this is a German thing or just our family. 

I really appreciate all the time spent with our family. And it's nice to know that the feeling is mutual because they have mentioned multiple times that they wish we were here longer! I wish we were too.

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