Monday, July 28, 2014

The power of healing

We had such a short time in Hanover it is hard to say much about the city. But trying not to fall in love with an Axolotl is a whole new story. They are incredible reptiles that can regrow lost limbs. A 'natural form of science' they are using is taking spider silk, creating a cross pattern and using axolotl cells to fill the spaces basically creating a later of skin.
While we are on the subject of natural healing, there is no better place to visit than the island of Norderney. The air is so clean that you will pay a tax on it for every day that you stay. It contains little to no pollutions or pollens because the air is pushed in from the North over the sea. It might not be so ridiculous sound after all right?
Among the things you HAVE to do, is to go mudflut hiking. Make sure you get a fun tour guide because it will make for an interesting trip! (Just don't hold and of the mud worms and be wary of a flying crab.) The first layer of mud is easy to navigate, almost like walking on the beach. The next layer is a little slicker and more painful because it is covered I a shells. The final layer of mud is probably where the idea for the mud in Lord of the Rings came from. You sink to your knees, and test your balance! When you least expect it you sink even farther. Here's the catch, people pay a ton of money to get covered in the stuff. It's high in sulfur and minerals so it is very good for your skin. -We all got the opportunity later to take a mud bath and who would have thought being covered in mud could feel so refreshing. The one cool thing is how many creatures live in one square meter of the mudflat. More than just a few hundred thousand, which is mind blowing. Along with the fact that one mud worm can ingest over 50lbs of sand a year. They actually clean it and then let it back out.
There is one more special thing that Norderney is known for. This is the Badehaus. If you believe in the power of natural healing, this is the place for you. They have many different types of baths, all are salt water but each contain a different percent based of of the oceans all over the world. The Dead Sea as many know, contains a high salt content and minerals. This is why when it meets with other water it does not mix. They have a bath that contains water of the same contents, I suggest trying it. It feels very unique to relax in, and you can float with absolutely no effort at all. They also have saunas, to help detox your body and a mud bath. You cover yourself in the mud that is very much like what you hike in. Sit in the sauna for about 15 minutes and then rinse with the salt water shower afterwards. You smell very unusual for a bit but your skin feels wonderful. All of these treatments might just sound like a spa, but in reality the different types of water and heat can help with physical problems or treatment. They have a vapor system that lets you breath the minerals which can help with respiratory problems. People can be prescribed to stay here for weeks at a time to help with health issues and then return to work, this is all covered by insurance most of the time.
This unique little island is a must see, not just to heal but to relax. Since relaxation and rest is a huge part of the healing process. Rent a bike so you get in your daily exercise (it's all flat land, so it's not to tough) and enjoy the beach, go for a swim (hopefully it's warm) and watch an incredible sunset. It has a power all on it's own!

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