Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Hallo, Bonn!

After over a year of waiting and anticipation, my study abroad experience in Bonn begins tomorrow. I’ve always been fascinated with international travel; the opportunity to explore new interesting places and interact with people of all different cultures and backgrounds becomes even more appealing and important as our world grows increasingly interconnected. I’ve been fortunate enough to have traveled to several different countries on three different continents and had an amazing time with each and every one, but each experience has been limited by the context of my stay and the short time spent there.  With this trip, I hope to dive into the culture of a foreign country and get a feel for what life really is like outside of my corner of the globe, and of course enjoy myself while I’m at it.

I’ve been in Europe now for 8 days, visiting London by myself and Brussels with an old friend. From the start I’ve had unexpected changes in plan such as canceled flights and damaged luggage, but in the end I made it here without too much trouble. There’s still a lot of uncertainty in my plans for this adventure, but I enjoy making plans on the fly and being able to pursue and explore things that I discover. For example, I have an unplanned free weekend, and my flight home is in Prague a week after the end of the program with no planned route there. I’ve packed very lightly in a single small backpack, and with a select Eurail pass and the money I saved for my travel budget the possibilities are nearly limitless. I look forward to discovering life in Bonn, and creating my own adventure as I go. 

Sean Brocklehurst

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