Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Off to Germany!

After finding out that I was accepted into this program, I felt that time was moving way too slow, and July 2nd would never come!  Now, as I'm writing this the night before we leave, I can't help but think how quickly time has passed!  How in the world is that possible!?  I am feeling every emotion from excited, scared, nervous, anxious, and thrilled.  There is no explaining all of the thoughts running through my head when I try to fall asleep at night.

I first applied to this program because of the location.  Germany has always been on the top of my travel list.  From the beautiful landscape, amazing food, and rich culture, there is no doubt in my mind that I would end up there one day.  It was also very appealing that the program was medicine related.  This program will be an amazing experience that will benefit my future in the medical field tremendously.  I also chose this program because I felt that it would force me out of my comfort zone and allow me to experience things I would never try on my own!

A few things I am nervous about while in Germany is how I am going to make myself study.  How will I possibly find the time for coursework when I am surrounded by so many beautiful places?  This is going to be a true test of my time management skills!

Overall, I have very high expectations for this trip.  It is hard not to, but I always put my all into something to get the best outcome in return.  I am excited for exciting and spontaneous adventures that I will remember for a lifetime while making so many new Aggie, and non-Aggie friends!

Gig 'Em,
Rebecca Thomman

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