Friday, July 11, 2014

Bonn and Amsterdam!

After being here a week I can tell that the days are going to feel long but the time here is just going to fly by. My first weekend abroad I went to Amsterdam with Kallie, Emily, Angelica, Rebecca, Chanel, Katherine, and Jessica. It was loads of fun but also a huge culture shock. I knew weed and prostitution and pretty much everything was legal over there. It's one thing to know about it and entirely different to actually be in it. Our hostel felt rough and immediately put everyone out of their comfort zones, but we eventually adjusted and felt safe there. The first impression was a woman working who was too high to help us get us checked in properly and made us come back when her coworker would be there to deal with it. We also overheard that same girl asking a coworker for help.

She said, "Can you help me? This girl thinks she has internal bleeding and wants us to call the ambulance."
He said, "No she's fine. Just bring her outside to blaze with us when she's done throwing up."

That really was not a comforting first impression. I also would never stay in Bob's Youth Hostel again. It was expensive, not very clean, they had a mouse problem, gross and cold showers, and the beds were the hardest things I've ever felt.  It was just weird at first because if we were in that type of area at home it would have been very dangerous with everyone up to no good. Once I accepted that was just how things were in Amsterdam, it became a beautiful city. Everyone was nice and helpful.
They also told us tobacco products were not allowed in the lobby but weed was okay. It was just crazy how opposite that was from the states. I mean it didn't make me feel weird or uncomfortable or anything like that just kind of put it into perspective how different this place is from home.

All in all Amsterdam was amazing. Fun and beautiful! Great experiences and learning opportunities. I think that place will be the most different but who knows what lies ahead. It was super fun and I got to know the girls who came with me pretty well. I suggest going for sure!

We came back to Bonn and I finally was here long enough to develop somewhat of an opinion. The town seems great but the best part I'd have to say is my host family. I was lucky enough to have Hilde as my mommy. She quickly became just that, my mom for the stay abroad. She made Kallie and I feel very welcome and instantly a part of the family. I can tell she actually wants us here. Hilde is so funny and fun loving! She takes such good care of me its unreal. She's so silly and just warm, kind, and loving. It's hard to explain unless you've met her but you instantly want to be around her all the time!

The excursion to Cologne was super neat and I loved the cathedral tour even though I'm pretty scared of heights. I also really enjoyed seeing all the machines in the anesthesia museum.

I'm very much so looking forward to the excursion in Vienna, Hannover, and Nordenney. I'll also get to go to Salzburg, Insbrook, and Munich over the weekend. So this next week will definitely be a big one!

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