Monday, July 21, 2014

Amy Rawls : So Many Cities, So Little Time

Just as I expected this past week has been incredible! I’ve gotten to know the people on the trip a lot better and they are all awesome. This past week I’ve been to Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Munich, and am heading to Hannover right now.
Vienna was so neat! It was a cool city although I must say the citizens of Bonn seem sweeter than the citizens of Vienna. I didn’t have a significant experience of rudeness they just didn’t go out of their way to help as much as Germans. My favorite parts were probably the museum with wax figures, basically the first body worlds, the Fools Tower, and the Schonbrunn Palace. It was neat seeing how medical students used to learn and how people had to make wax figures before preservation was possible. Then seeing all the things that can go wrong with the body just fascinates me. It’s pretty impressive to know how many points in the body there are for absolute failure and yet it functions properly or close to most of the time. I hate to say that seeing the diseases were cool because disease itself is not cool, but the body just amazes me! The Schonbrunn Palace was just incredibly beautiful. I didn’t expect it to be that huge! Not even close to that huge! There’s an entire zoo in the Palace property. Going to the palace was finally something that felt like something Austrian to me. I definitely recommend going. I got there and immediately said “Now this is Vienna.” It sort of let me see some of the beauty without leaving the big city.
Free Weekend:
Salzburg was a surprise! I was just going because it was had the Sound of Music and salt mines my friend raved about and I’m a crazy Sound of Music fan. On the train ride in I was shocked at the beauty. I guess it was the first time I was outside of a city since I’d been abroad. It was a nice change of pace. The sound of Music tour was life changing! It shows you obviously different sets that were filmed but you also get to kind of go on a bus ride around the city and see some really neat stuff! Then we did a salt mine tour. Also awesome. It wasn’t quit as awesome as the Sound of Music tour but still neat and worth it.
The next morning we went to Innsbruck just to paraglide. It was kind of a crazy idea to travel to a whole town, but now I can say I went paragliding in the Alps. It was amazing! It was definitely something I will remember forever. I was scared and freaking out a little bit at first and then once we took off it was easy, peaceful, and not scary at all. The views are just unexplainable really. Innsbruck to my surprise was even prettier than Salzburg. Super great experience. Mountain Fly was the cheapest company we found and I had a lot of fun. We didn’t get to really walk around the little town because we grabbed the next train to Munich.
I wish we had more time in Munich, but I still enjoyed my time there. There was a lot going on this weekend in Munich. The biggest thing was probably that it was Christopher’s Annual Street Parade. That was for sure a cultural experience. We don’t really have LGBT weekend long festivals very often in Texas. It was pretty cool and looked like loads of fun. We were barely in Munich so we didn’t participate to heavily because we had sights to see and places to be. We had a bike tour for 4 hours with Mike’s Bike Tours. It was awesome! Im so happy I haven’t bought ticket for a tour and been disappointed yet. Since we didn’t have much time I think it was the perfect thing to do. We got around town quickly and got to see loads of stuff.
 The rest of the trip has a lot to live up to, but I think it’ll be equally as wonderful!

Amy Rawls

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