Monday, July 21, 2014

Small Experiences; Big Impacts

This past week we traveled to the Josephenum museum in Vienna.  I honestly didn't really expect to be so intrigued by wax anatomical models.  I've taken two semesters of Anatomy and Physiology, and was hoping I wouldn't have to look at bones and body models anytime in the near future.  Little did I know that the Josephenum museum would have a large impact on what I thought would be in my future.

We walked through the first couple of rooms with all of the wax models and I was impressed, but not fascinated quite yet.  I guess you could say that I was just plain burnt out of looking at anatomical models after studying them everyday for two semesters straight.  I did feel accomplished when I could still remember most of the muscles, though!  Then, as we walked into the room with all of the fetus and pregnant mothers, I suddenly perked up.  I had always had a small interest in working with babies and pregnant women, but had never really seen anything like the models to really spark my interest.  It was new and exciting, and I honestly didn't want to leave.

Later that night, I really got to thinking about wether or not I would want to be an OBGYN or not.  I haven't been this interested in something since I became so passionate about my major.  I do think that it is possible that I could work in this field, and be excited about what I would learn.  Now, it is just getting to that point that will be hard.  People have always said that studying abroad will open your eyes, and you will learn a lot about yourself, but I didn't believe them.  I was completely in the wrong to doubt them.

This small experience has made a huge impact on my future.

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