Friday, August 31, 2018

Oktoberfest won't be the same...

   Before this year, I never imagined that my summer would go the way it did. I never thought that, while I undoubtably wanted to study abroad, that it would be this summer. This summer changed my life in so many amazing ways. Since getting back to the United States, I have really had a hard time describing what this experience meant to me aside from being "the most amazing experience of my life". Yes, getting to interact with the culture was amazing. Yes, getting to see the amazing beauty of Germany and the other countries I visited was a one in a lifetime experience. But the trip was so much more than that. 
   This summer along with Germany, I went to Belgium, Spain, The Netherlands, Austria, Italy, England, and Ireland. Each country brought new experiences and new friendships that formed into amazing bonds. Going into this trip I did not know anybody. It was something that I was going to do all on my own and at first I was very nervous about that. As time went on I could feel myself becoming significantly more confident in myself. I was confident in how to get around a foreign country where I barely knew the language. This created a confidence in myself that I know I didn't have before going on this study abroad. Coming home I had friends and family members noticing this confidence in me that wasn't there before. 
   After the program was over, I went with my host family to Munich. This was another amazing experience that furthers the bond that I had with them. I think one of the biggest parts of my "Hero's Journey" was going to London and Dublin by myself when the program ended. Not only did this build the confidence I had in myself, but I know I am significantly more independent since then. I mean, I made it to each place, figured out my own schedules, managed the public transportation systems, dealt with a flight cancellation, and made it home safely all on my own. It was truly an amazing experience that I still to this day cannot believe I did. 
   Going into this experience I wasn't sure exactly what to expect. It truly turned out to be the most amazing adventure of my life. One of the most unique things about being in Germany was learning about all of the history there in the country. I have never in my life been so interested in learning history. I often found myself asking questions that I normally wouldn't have asked in the States. I have always had a passion for learning, but being in Europe fueled that passion. 
   At the end of it all, I cannot wait to return to Europe. I loved being there and am keeping close contact with my host family to someday return. I am so happy to have met the people I did and the close friendships that have formed from that. Every day since I have been back I have thought about my experiences in Europe and the bonds that were formed over there.

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