Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Although I sit here on Christmas Day nervous and worried about traveling to Germany in the middle of an ice cold winter, I somehow wish December 27th could come more quickly. This is the first time I will ever experience temperatures this cold for such an extended period of time. Usually, in Texas, it’s below zero for two days out of the year and then winter is over, and today’s high in Germany is only 5 degrees Celsius. Saying the degrees in Celsius makes it seem that much colder, temperatures more suitable for SNOW! My excitement for snow almost parallels that of what I feel for visiting the universities, museums, and hospitals. Hopefully, I will get to see what knew breakthroughs are being developed in cardiovascular health. Open heart surgery will be awesome too, not for the patient, but awesome nevertheless.

Since I am part German, I am looking forward to learning the culture and at least a bit of the language. Plus, I just found out today that a foreign exchange student from my high school actually LIVES in Bonn. How exciting would it be if he showed us some nightlife?!? Finally, the free weekends will be an added adventure all by themselves. Visiting Prague has been a dream of my entire family. Since I am half Czechoslovakian, my grandmother wants me to look up some Jaseks or Smesnies (my relatives) in the phonebook and say “jak se mas!”

My worrisome mother hopes I don’t star in Taken 2. I hope I learn all I can and have a journey of a lifetime!

Daniel Grunden

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