Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm Hot and You're Cold

My feelings are mixed about the weather here in Bonn. If it is not raining or windy, I have no problem with the weather and can even walk outside without a jacket. If it is only sprinkling, the weather feels way cooler.

Arriving from the airport, Dr. Wasser taught a few of us some important German vocabulary needed to survive in the country where Entschuldigung (excuse me) and können sie English (do you speak English) are the most important phrases.

The lectures from Dr. Wasser about German history are very interesting too. I really enjoy hypothesizing how my life would be different if Germany had won WWII. I know now that because my brother was born with cerebral palsy, he would have been killed at birth. The Nazi idea was that he is too much of a burden to society. I know that the Medicare and Medicade money comes from the people’s taxes, but I don’t think society is failing because of it.

Night comes at 4:30pm, which is crazy considering my usual sleep hours. In my opinion, the people of Bonn are very nice compared to the people of Texas. I just got back to the dorm from another night out in Bonn. Seeing an old friend was a real treat, and he really showed me a good time. He explained what some of the younger culture here in Germany really thinks about politics and world issues. I felt very knowledgeable when I already knew that the first time since WWII that anyone in Germany has ever flown a German flag was at last years World Cup.

Daniel Grunden

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