Friday, July 11, 2014

Sprechen Sie English?

Over the last week, I have experienced a lot of different emotions.  It started with excitement as Emily and I arrived in Bonn and went home with our new host family.  Everything was new and exciting! After talking with our new host family, the jet lag started to kick in and we were off to bed ready to experience the next few days in Amsterdam.  More excitement came with taking a train to a place that I had always heard and read about, but now I was actually getting to see it with my own eyes! Little did I know that I would run into some trouble that put a damper on my trip.  The group that I was traveling with arrived at the (somewhat sketchy) hostel, and found out that I had accidentally booked 6 beds for myself instead of one.  It completely bummed me out! I was frantic about having to pay almost 600 Euros! I decided to not let it ruin my trip, and to just enjoy all of the exciting things the weekend had to offer until I could work out my terrible situation later on.  We enjoyed amazing food, beautiful scenery, laughed at insane things, and had the time of our lives.  The high point of the weekend trip was definitely seeing the Anne Frank house and experiencing walking in the same places she and her family had hid for so long.  The feeling you get when you walk through the apartment is one that you can never explain, nor forget.  Another unforgettable moment in Amsterdam was watching the Netherlands play Costa Rica, and winning.  The entire city came alive, and everyone was celebrating all night long. I eventually worked everything out with the hostel situation, and happily traveled back to Bonn!

The past week in Bonn has been filled with so much history.  Learning about Germany's past, and finally seeing the places where all of the things I had studied in school was indescribable.  It doesn't seem possible that so much history has happened, and that it wasn't too long ago.  One thing that kept crossing my mind was how young America is, and how much our country has yet to see.  The differences between the two are very apparent.

Overall, the first week abroad has been one for the books! I cannot wait for the next few weeks while we are on an exciting excursion!

A picture from my trip to Amsterdam! The canals were beautiful!

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