Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Off to Deutschland!

A plethora of excitement and anxiety takes me away as we pack to head off to Germany tomorrow. Excitement because this is my first study abroad that I will ever experience. Anxious because this is my first study abroad I will ever experience. What and how are things going to be? Five weeks of a stay in a foreign country with new people, new surroundings, new food and a new language.
            Study abroad had been a maybe for me in the past-attainable yet not something I was wholly passionate about. After a few setbacks the semester of spring 2014, I decided why not give it a shot. This remarkable educational journey, The History of Medicine, sounds extremely enticing and there is no doubt that I will be able to embark and learn wonderful things on this journey. However, my main motivation came from my marvelous best friend. Hadn't she pushed me to consider this trip, I might have sat back at home. With each setback comes a drive to reach higher, and I truly believe I have taken that step by agreeing to travel on this trip. I do not know what to expect from this trip as yet, but as soon as I step into Germany things will change. Being in the moment and feeling the air first-handedly will surely spin the excitement in me. Perhaps that might just happen tomorrow when I am dropped off at the airport. As much as I think I do not know what to expect, I certainly do know that this trip will be the highlight of my college years.

           Nevertheless, I have promised myself to let the positivity in me shine through, and take this trip as an adventure to a magical land full of delicious Apfelstrudl and people who say Hallo when they greet each other. I am determined to learn and embrace this new culture that lies in front of me with open arms.
This looks sooooo goooodd!!!

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