Monday, July 28, 2014

Exceding Expectations

Now that it has almost been an entire month abroad, I am realizing that this experience is opening my eyes more than I ever could have thought it would.  Last week we traveled to Hannover and Norderney where we were learning about alternative and complimentary medicine.  If you would have asked me 4 weeks ago what I thought about the subject, I probably would have told you that I didn't care much about it, and that I didn't think any of it was actually beneficial.  So when we arrived in Norderney, I was certain that my views wouldn't change, and that I was just going to enjoy the experience of being on a German island. 

The first day in Norderney was awesome.  We arrived, breathed in the perfect air, and headed straight for the mudfluthiking experience.  Mutfluthiking was one of the coolest things I have ever experienced.  The mud was so soft, and felt great on my skin.  Learning about how many different healing aspect are in it was really fascinating, but being able to experience and learn about it first hand really made me think that alternative medicine could be beneficial.  I honestly wouldn't mind going mudfluthiking more often!  The picture below shows a fear I conquered while on the hike! I always thought crabs were scary, but it was actually a blast to hold them!

Holding sand crabs while mudflutkiking

After mudfluthiking a few of us headed to the beach for some fun relaxing and swimming.  The water was nice, and it made my skin super soft for the remainder of the trip.  Even though I already knew this was normal, I chose to believe that the saltwater in Norderney was special! haha

The next day, we had the opportunity to tour the Badehaus which is a sort of healing spa.  The Badehaus offered all sorts of healing baths with different salt solutions, temperatures, and many different jets.  There was also a mud treatment that you could do which included rubbing the healing mud all over your body and sitting in a sauna.  I unfortunately didn't try the mud sauna because I don't like saunas, but everyone in the group raved about the experience, and how amazing it was for their skin.  After hearing a great lecture about all of the different healing methods the spa offered, and experiencing them first hand, my views on alternative and complimentary medicine were quickly changed somewhat.  I really do believe that they are beneficial to people, but I still have a hard time believing in the healing techniques.  I now strongly believe you cannot shut an idea down until you have experienced it for yourself.

Also while in Norderney we presented our group projects over alternative and complimentary medicine, and mind body healing methods.  This was also a great way to shape my ideas on the subject.  My views on this matter are very much more braod than they were! Hopefully, I can start to apply some of these techniques in my own life, and to patients in the future.

Travelling and learning about all of these different hings is continually exceeding my expectations.  I don't want this experience to ever end!

Enjoying the beach in Norderney!

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