Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hannover, Norderney, Brussels & my experience with homeopathy.

Well, our time is winding down here in Germany but we are still traveling like crazy. At the beginning of the week we were in Hannover which tbh didn't have much. The fun came when we were in Norderney and continued when me and Jessica went to Brussels.

We got to Hannover a day early and stayed at this random hotel in the middle of nowhere which was hilarious. The hotel owner also owned the restaurant next door so we saw a lot of him that day. He was kind of creepy but its okay, we were only there for one night. The next day we were still in Hannover but with the program and Jessica, Amy and I all roomed together and i seriously think we stayed up laughing all night haha

Norderney was so much fun. We got there and immediately started biking around town. Going mudfluthiking (or however you spell that) was one of my favorite things we did. Especially when got to the part of the mud that was ONLY mud and not a mix of mud and sand. I think we all sinked in the mud until about our knees. The next day we were at the Bade:Haus, and i gotta say... that was my favorite thing that i've done. I've been to a spa before so i'm glad that was my first experience with one, even though i know its more like a healing spa than anything else. It was great getting to test out the different sea waters and going down the slides like a child. The mud bath was my favorite part. It was really refreshing once we were down, but seriously once i was in there and the steam was coming out full force i was like OMG howwwww do people do thissss?? but i survived. I'm a mud bath survivor.

We got back Thursday night to Bonn and were so happy to see Erica and Makeda and the rest of our host fam. We found out it was Makeda's birthday on Thursday but they forgot to tell us so Friday afternoon we had this huge birthday dinner with her and got all dressed up and went to Dimi's bar with her! We met all her musician friends, and they were quite a unique crowd. One of the guys asked us if Texas Chainsaw massacre actually happened so yeah, that was funny lol

Brussels was our third free weekend and Jess & I spontaneously decided to head there for a day trip! We got to the city and headed to the Grand Place aka the city center and oh gosh it was GORGEOUS. we spent all day going into little boutiques and going to chocolate shops. We ate so much. We had quiche, pizza, truffles, meringues, macaroons, ice cream, waffles and sandwiches. Then came home and ate some more. We really wanted to try some Mussels from Brussels but we ran out of time, it was very sad. lol

Today is sunday and Erica made us crepes for breakfast and they were FLAWLESSSSSS. so so good. i had never had savory crepes and they were actually really really good. i fell in love. I also asked Erica if she had any homeopathic remedies to help me with my allergies because they had been bothering me since Paris. She gave me some coated ozone and put in under my tongue and said for me to let them dissolve. its been about 20 minutes and i feel better, but i also blowed my nose too lol so i guess i'll let you guys know in a few days if they stayed away.

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