Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Hallo Germany!

Finally! My bags are all packed, all last minute preparations have been done, and now I am ready to board my flight tomorrow morning bound for Germany. It has been a long, and sometimes stressful, road preparing for this trip but now I am sure it will all pay off starting tomorrow.

I knew I wanted to study abroad ever since late middle school when my older sister went on a semester study abroad in Italy. That was the first time I had been introduced to the idea of studying abroad. When she returned from her trip, she was exploding with information and stories of her adventures all over Europe. I would sit and talk to her about her experiences for hours. It was evident that her time abroad not only enhanced her passion and drive for Architecture but gave her a profound appreciation for Italy and it's people. She was a great example of the benefits of studying abroad. The idea was always lingering in the back of my mind since then, so when I got to college I decided to go for it. I knew if I wanted to see the world, other cultures, and civilizations doing it through a study abroad program would provide me with an unparalleled view.

Growing up in Houston, Texas and the surrounding suburbs, I was blessed to be surrounded by a collage of different ethnic groups in my neighborhood. At one point, my closest group of friends included girls of African American, Indian, Vietnamese, Pilipino, Hispanic, and Caucasian decent. It was not until I got older and moved to another area of town that I realized how rare that was. Getting to know these friends and their respective families gave me a great foundation to understand and appreciate their own unique cultural ways of life. From then on, I have always been very interested in Anthropology. I firmly believe there is great significance in learning and respecting other cultures-and what is a better way to do that than to fully immersing yourself in one? Added, I will be experiencing the highlights of their history and legacy as a country as it relates to my field of study. I am very excited to experience German life, mentality, and history. Instead of wondering whether the stereotypes are true or not, I will have a first hand account to make my own judgments. This trip will also force me to go beyond my comfort zone on many levels- which I believe, can be the best way to improve yourself.  Lastly, I love nature and enjoying all it's wonders around us. Germany contains, arguably, some of the most breathtaking views of nature at its finest.

My only real anxiety about the trip is related to being a first time international traveler. I am not experienced in traveling abroad so I am sure the first couple days will be a bit of shock for me. Also, my German is very limited, which I hope does not hinder my ability to communicate and relate with my host family and other locals I might meet. Other than that, I am thrilled and very thankful to have this opportunity and intend to make the most of it.

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