Sunday, July 13, 2014


This first week has been anything but slow! We've already done so much I don't know where to start. The days are filled with lectures, German class, museums, and exploring while the nights are spent soaking up as much time as possible with our host families.

Upon arriving the oddest part was the language barrier. Everyone here looks and acts just like people from home but when they speak you suddenly realize that you are in a foreign place. It's such a strange feeling of blending in yet still separated. I think that's what made German class so enjoyable. Besides our wonderful teacher Suzana, it took a little bit of that barrier away. Our kindergarden vocabulary came in handy, allowing us to read direction signs a little better and even understand tidbits of conversations we overhear. It was also nice that everyone in the class started at the same level so practicing together wasn't intimidating. It seems the Germans are very encouraging to people who try and speak their language. Even our waiter in Koln, who spoke perfect english, playfully acted like he didn't understand what we wanted to order unless we said it in German. We are in a way forced to have this false confidence while speaking, which makes for a lot of funny and embarrassing moments! 

Lecture has been just as opening to new things, or at least for me. I was completely unaware of different health care systems, especially ones like the Beveridge system in the UK. Just from the first day of class I realized how little I knew about working systems outside of the US. Which got me thinking "what else am I not aware of?". It was almost like I've been in this box where I am only curious in what surrounds me or rather what effects me. And of course Dr. Wasser presents it in a purely informational way, without opinion or biasness, which I greatly appreciate.

While exploring the city and searching for shops and food is always fun I find the museums and tours to be the highlight of the week. Being in a different place emphasizes different parts of the story. I would have never known that there was a period of time where the German people were ashamed of their country, when people wouldn't even put up the flag. The thing that stuck with me the most was something the tour guide at the history museum said. How German and other countries have the ability to talk about previous conflict between them and not get upset. How accepting the good and the bad of your country is necessary to move on. 

I can't wait to see what else is in store for us.

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