Thursday, June 30, 2011

Last min

After waiting an entire semester the trip to Germany has finally come. It is the night before I leave and I am finalizing all of my packing after thinking about what to take for the past week. I just hope I don’t forget something that I will need.

I am feeling little regrets about not learning a lot of German so I hope that I will be able to get by without it. Hopefully my host family will give me a crash course in German. Maybe I’ll just run to B&N to get a little dictionary before noon tomorrow.

I have only planned out my first weekend in the Netherlands as of right now because I feel things will change when I get there. Trying to figure out what the group wants to do or just going off and doing my own thing. I am looking forward to getting to know the group more because I only know a few people.

I am looking forward to learning about the history of Germany and other places in Europe. I am excited to see all of the museums and architecture Europe has to offer. I hope to learn lots about the wonderful beer in germany. I hope to broaden my beer tastes outside of weissbier.

I know that I will miss my family and the new friends I have made in Lubbock this summer. I am also going to miss being able to ride my bike everyday. Hopefully I can still stay in triathlon/biking shape by running a little bit, maybe this will allow me to see more things.

I look forward to seeing everyone in 24 hours

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