Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Beer Bellies, Diet Coke, & Medicine

After a rough summer of Organic Chemistry from 7:30-11:30 every morning, and work from 12:30-4:30 everyday, I cannot believe that the time has finally come for a break! I have been planning on this trip to Germany since September, and have known about it for over a year now; having had a friend previously go on the same study abroad program last summer. The excitement has been continually building up and my "over" planning will finally come to a halt (I've been told on several occasions that I am "out of control"). Sitting here at my last day of work I am writing down everything that I need to do before I leave, and counting the hours until my plane leaves (~72 hrs). Among other things I decided that for this first blog entry, I could summarize all of my fear and excitement into three categories: Beer Bellies, Diet Coke, and Medicine.

Beer Bellies
This idea derives primarily from my future roommate who got back from his summer I study abroad trip to Germany this week. Let's just say that (although I haven't seen him in person yet) I have heard that he put on a few pounds during his month long stay. The Germans are known worldwide for their beer, and it is something that I highly look forward to. I personally feel like this shouldn't be too big of a problem noting that there will be miles of walking to be done everyday in hopes of staying fit. This beer belly concept can also be extended to my excitement for the German culture and being fully emerged in a foreign land where I may be "taking back" some of my experiences with me (even if it means a few pounds). This is a once in a lifetime experience and I do not intend on letting any anxieties get in the way of missing out.

Diet Coke
Ah, my love for diet coke (and caffeine in general). This is going to be a problem. I have a serious addiction and I know that free refills and my daily accessibility to diet coke will be limited. This, however, is going to be something that I will have to get over, no matter how hard it may be. Heck, maybe this trip will be a good time for detox. Among other fears, however, I know that I am going to miss my family and my niece, of whom I only get to see a couple times a year to begin with. I am continually comforted in the fact that I am not completely shut off from them, and my experiences abroad will only give me more to talk to them about. Also, the fact that I will get to see my cousin who lives in Paris for a weekend will be very exciting!

This theme is obviously more blatant for it describes the whole purpose behind this trip! I absolutely love medicine and new technologies that have to deal with improving quality of life for many people. I have gone through our schedule to see what museums and hospitals we are visiting so many times that I should probably have it memorized by now. This is definitely what I am looking forward to the most. The international experience in medicine that I will gain through this program will be second to none and I am hoping that it will aid me with applying to medical school.

After months of planning, working, and class, I finally feel prepared and ready to flee the country. All that's left is an OChem final (dear God help us all), a little more packing left to do, and a 3 hour drive to Dallas tomorrow. I can't wait to meet my host family and begin an adventure of a lifetime on Saturday!

Until Bonn,


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