Thursday, June 30, 2011

24 Hours

I have a little over 24 hours before my plane will be taking off from Houston Intercontinental Airport bound for Frankfurt, Germany. And I won't be getting on another one for five weeks. Wait, what?
The past few months my excitement (and anxiety) for this trip has been steadily increasing. I am so looking forward to the adventures that await me. I guess just the idea of being so fully immersed in a culture so foreign to me is overwhelmingly exciting. I am generally slightly cautious to new and unknown things, but this time I can't wait. It is such an incredible opportunity to be able to talk to foreign people, see the buildings and the culture and the history, and hopefully pick up a little German.
So far, my summer has consisted of being extremely lazy and bored in my hometown while trying to finish up summer school. I am taking two online classes for a total of six credit hours. Both classes are supposed to last until August; I am trying to finish them in four weeks. Needless to say, I am eager to finish them up and get on to something a little more exciting.
If you asked me a few weeks ago what my current fears were, I'd probably talk about being away from home and loved ones for so long, getting along with my host family, or what to do one the weekends. While these are still on my mind, if you asked me today my answer would change to airport security, which clothes to pack, and how to deal with my Dr. Pepper addiction.
Overall I am extremely excited about starting my journey tomorrow. I think I will feel a lot better once I finish (ok, get started) packing though. I can't wait to get there and get started already!

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