Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pre Germany Expectations

At first when I signed up for the Germany trip, it didn't really seem real to me that I was actually going over there for 5 weeks. Right now as I sit in Texas and think about the adventure I’ll be starting in just two weeks, the anticipation is starting to emerge again and even stronger than ever. I’ve been to Europe before, but always with family and never in Germany.

I expect to see a lot of great and priceless works of art, as well as architecture. I’m looking forward to possibly seeing some of the great cathedrals, temples and churches. As far my host family expectations go, I had no idea what to expect before I got the letter from them. The family I’m staying with is the newlywed Thye family and Stefanie seems very full of life and excited to meet me. She said that she likes to cook and that the location of their home is in the middle of the city center so I’m really excited about getting to be in the middle of the action!

I expect to be with my classmates most of the time, in the class and outside of the classroom- but I really have no idea what to expect here either! I wouldn’t mind getting a little bit lost in the town and find my way back by myself! I’m excited about the daily routine, which right now all I know for sure is what we will be doing as far as the class goes. After the class, I’m assuming it’s free time and I’ll be exploring with my peers and trying new things as far as food and beer goes!

In the evening, at the Thye’s home, the possibilities there are very exciting to me. For one, it will be fun to meet these new people and get to know them, learn first-hand about German culture, and hopefully become permanent friends with them that I’ll be able to write to for many years to come. I feel that I’m really going to become good friends with Stefanie because she’s only 7 years older than me! She said that they are into music, and hopefully they have a piano we could all play together in the evenings and listen to one another. I still don’t know if I’m by myself with them or not- on Facebook we (my peers and I) were keeping each other updated on which host family we’ve been assigned to, and nobody seems to have the same one yet!

Ultimately I’m most excited about the whole thing. The mornings, the afternoons, and the nights, and everything in between. I know the weekends will be a blast- but right now I’m thinking I’m ultimately going to be enjoying the weekly activities even more than my free weekends- we’ll see how that turns out I guess!

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