Tuesday, June 02, 2009

First Time Across the Atlantic

Nervous, excitement are just a few of the things I'm feeling in anticipation for my first trip across the Atlantic! I'm not really sure what to expect. I figure it will be (at first) like being anywhere for the first time. Confusing, lost, unfamiliar, and taken out of my element of comfort, but over time I'll get more comfortable and will have a hard time remembering how i first felt and saw Germany.

I'm hoping this trip will help me experience the culture of Germany, while getting to see the beauty of Europe. While a part of me wants to go everywhere and see everything, I know there is not enough time to fully experience every country in it's best. I figure that our weekend trips will help me get a taste of everything, so when i come back one day I'll be able to know where I want to go and spend most of my time : )

So here's a toast to new experiences, places, and friends!

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