Monday, May 23, 2022

Em's Day 1: The Kindness of Strangers

 This trip is nerve-wracking. I am both excited and nervous. Do I know any German? No. Do I know how to get around Bonn yet? No. However, I decided to come on this trip to experience the world.

I have never come to Europe, and given this opportunity, I thought I should experience navigating a new culture. I am excited to get to know my host family, make new friends, broaden my horizon of medicine, and have fun along the way.

Even while in the airport my fears are diminishing. From a German man sitting next to me on my first flight, explaining to me how he hasn't been able to fly home in 3 years due to the pandemic and he is so excited to go see his family. To the man from Italy sitting next to me on the second flight who rated the airplane food with me and nicely showed me to push the bathroom door when I was trying to pull it. To lastly all of the A&M students I am already calling my friends after one day at the airport. I am already blown away by kindness and excited for these next few weeks!

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