Monday, May 23, 2022

Frankfurt Airport Thoughts

 As I sit here in a café in the Frankfurt airport, I am reminded of all the new experiences that I will have on this trip. From the new foods to all the German signs, it was almost a little overwhelming, but I am excited. This represents my general attitude towards the trip as I am very excited to experience every cultural nuance in Germany, but also worried that  some of the experiences may be a lot in the first couple days. As I meet my host family and arrive at AIB, these small worries will most certainty transform into joy and excitement. 

One difference I saw as I flew into the Frankfurt airport was the vast amount of windmills in Germany. These are seen in some places in the United States, but I was able to see so many more windmills while on the plane. It was a great reminder of the differences in Germany. Attached is a picture of the windmills I took from the plane as we flew over parts of Western Germany. Overall, I am excited to see what I will learn here in Germany.

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