Tuesday, June 04, 2019

First Round of Adventures

What a place Germany is! There have been times when my expectations were well surpassed and other times, well, unexpected. I can tell that my mouth does not like to make certain sounds that are a part of the language. Communicating with the locals is challenging, but it pushes me to learn more of the german language. I am interested as to how much I will know by the end of the trip.

This weekend was spent exploring the area. Saturday, I went with Kim and Maddie to Burg Drachenfels ruins and the Schloss Drachenburg Castle. We took a tram up the very steep mountain, which I think was the best decision. The ruins overlook a beautiful view of the land. I felt like I was in a dream, it was so mesmerizing. The castle was built in 1882, which answers some questions about the decor and architecture. One room had a pool table and then there were randomly placed stain glass windows. These felt out of place with the rest of the castle

On Sunday Kim, Maddie, and I went to the town of Wuppertal, it is about an hour north. The town was quant and beautiful. The building all have the same style of slate grey tiles, white trim, and green shutters. We then had ice cream in town under some lush, green trees. Most ice cream shops are run by Italians resulting in an extra flair with their desserts.

Lectures have started and they are not stopping any time soon. Both classes are interesting especially because there will be times when I can apply my knowledge. Having a purpose for what I am learning helps me retain the information and not make me feel like I am wasting my time. I am ready for what this next week will bring!

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