Tuesday, June 11, 2019

2nd week update

Another week down in Germany, time is flying here.  We had a very busy week, going to Cologne and Koblenz for day excursions and then Monday morning we left for Norderney, the spa island.  In Cologne we ate at this Biergarten really close to the train stop with really good food.  I had the meter long bratwurst with onion gravy and fried potatoes with sauerkraut and a pickle on the side.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned from living in Germany these last two weeks is that Germans really love potatoes.  I know the stereotype may be meat and potatoes, but I don’t think I’ve gone a single day without eating some sort of potatoes.  I’ve even had just potatoes for a meal!  I don’t mind though I thoroughly enjoy potatoes.  After our meal in Cologne we took a tour of the city and saw the massive Cologne Cathedral.  It was built in the gothic style of architecture, which is the first church I’ve seen with my own eyes built like that.  In Koblenz we toured an old theater which was very cool to go backstage, which I had never done before.  We then headed up a gondola across the Rhein river where we got to walk around this old fort and take some amazing pictures.  Yesterday we arrived in Norderney which looks nothing like any German landscape I have seen so far, it reminds me of the outer banks of North Carolina (except a lot colder), where I have spent many summers.  I rode my bike to the lighthouse across the island and today we have been able to experience the spa, which included many different types of pools, a six meter shower waterfall, a mud cleansing, and multiple different saunas.  I really like Norderney and I’m looking forward to the rest of my time here.

Until next time, Logan

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