Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Home is Bonn

Still in Bonn

It’s funny how I’ve come to think of Bonn as home and really, it has been.  It’s always nice coming home from a long weekend of traveling to a home cooked meal.  This past week was really uneventful compared to the past 4 weeks.  We still learned a lot and had some great experiences.  We just spent a little more time in an actual classroom.  Professor Waltz and his neurophysiology class has picked up quite a bit and I’ve found it very interesting!  I don’t have much of a musical background but having taken anatomy, it is fascinating to see how everything interacts with our body.

We were able to view the Anesthesia Museum.  There are only three of its kind.  One in London, one in Germany, and I believe the third was in Chicago. (Probably should fact check me)  What made the whole experience memorable is that it was given by a living artifact himself.  Dr … has made his own mark in anesthesiology.  It’s amazing to see how much information and knowledge he holds.  His passion for anesthesiology is evident by his enthusiasm and his willingness to share.  Walking through the tour was like walking through a time machine.  Medicine has come a long way and will continue to in the upcoming years.

The next day we ended up going to the zoo.  It was nice to have a day just as a tourist.  However, being on the program definitely had its perks because we got to have some behind the scene actions with the elephants.  This is definitely an experience I’ll never forget.  I find it amazing how animals can be so trustworthy when treated right.  They are willing to take chances on humans taking care of them.  With everything going on in the world, we could learn a few lessons.  As humans we tend to treat animals better than we would treat our own.  If we showed the same kindness and respect to humans that most of us show to animals, we would probably see a different world currently.

As the trip is coming to an end, I’ve realized how much I’m going to miss these girls.  We’ve all grown so close in such a short amount of time.  We are different in all aspects but we’ve all found something in common.  Especially on the Rhine cruise.   We were all exhausted and had a bit of a trouble hiking up the huge hill to the castle.  No one was left behind though!

We just finished our last German class!  Even though I’ve been here for almost 4 weeks, I still have not been able to pick up the language.  I’m going to get back to the states and all I’ll have to show is being able to say “hello.”  I definitely think the German was class a good idea.  I just wished we would have learned sentences that may have been a little more relevant to our situation as tourists. 

We are currently headed to Berlin!  I can’t believe that we only have 7 days left here in Europe.  The time has flown by and I feel like I just got here.

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