Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Berlin to end the trip!

As if I didn't learn enough in the previous 4.5 weeks, our tours in Berlin taught me even more.  Every history class I've ever taken could not amount to the plethora of information I learned about World War II and the Cold War.  For example, I did not know the Soviets who liberated German concentration camps turned the camps into (essentially) neglect camps for those who had caused so much suffering during the holocaust.  I knew nothing of the Nuremberg Trials until Dr. Wasser enlightened us.  I was amazed to hear that several of the doctors on trial did not see that they were committing any crime by experimenting on concentration camp prisoners.  My distaste for socialism was heightened when learning about Soviet-controlled East Germany.  You would think our current leaders and presidential candidates would have learned from those mistakes, but their socialist ideals still persist.  It makes me sick to think that the American Dream could be a thing of the past if socialism rises in the US.  I can't wrap my head around why someone wouldn't want to try to make something of themselves instead of mooching off their neighbors.  What child dreams of growing up only to receive food stamps and Obamacare paid for by someone who actually pursued and achieved their goals?  It obviously didn't work out for East Germany, so why should we expect it to benefit America?  I could go on and on, but I will leave it at that.

I was inspired on our last day in Berlin when we visited the Otto Bock Institute.  Otto Bock is a company that engineers world class prosthetics, including those for paralympic athletes.  When I began my undergraduate studies at TAMU, I was a biomedical engineering (BMEN) major.  If I had stuck to it, prosthetics definitely would have been the track I would have chosen.  I have recently become interested in applying to physical therapy school, but I haven't felt 100% about it.  Watching demonstrations of how new technology allows prosthetists to rewire nerves and connect the prosthetic device to those nerve endings amazed me!  We watched a short video showing a man practicing using his new arm, and I thought, "Hey, what if I was a physical therapist for people with prosthetics??"  There are a lot of questions I need answered, but the idea makes me excited to further my education.  Also while we were there, we had the opportunity to race each other on a paralympic wheelchair race simulator.  Check out the video!


I beat her by milliseconds! ;)

Now the time has come to head home.  I can't believe it's over!!  I had such an amazing time with my new friends traveling Europe!  I'm so glad I seized the opportunity God laid out for me, and I hope I get to return one day.  I am itching with excitement to see my family and boyfriend now!  Ta-ta for now Europeland!

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