Thursday, September 30, 2010

Retrospective blog

Well it has been over a month since I got back from glorious Deutscheland and while I didn't think I knew I would miss being over there, I never thought it would be this bad. Being a foreigner can be really fun, learning new customs and how to behave (or in my case how NOT to behave),but being back in America has its advantageous too, such as being fluent in the language the natives speak and knowing how to get around. The experience really changed how I viewed foreign students since I was in their shoes for a short time, I really gained a lot of respect for them and now when I see a lost looking person I try to go out of my way to help them get around, like the many friendly people in Germany did for me.
While I would be lying to say that I experienced reverse culture shock, it did take some time getting used to the "normalcies" of home, such as the prices not being what they appear, and the money all being the same color, and my favorite activity, driving. One thing that did take a while to get used to was cooking my own meals (thanks Gertrude :)) and trying to get back into a workout schedule. Well that's about all about the most fun summer I have (and probably will have) had ever.

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