Saturday, December 27, 2008


During my preparation for departure for the German history of medicine winter program, I have been trying to prepare my mind for the learning possibilities ahead. The purpose of my preparation is to give more background information concerning their societal, historical and ideological differences of importance. I want this experience to be more than just a winter trip for school credit.

My favorite part of the pre-departure lectures was the possibility of mainstream anti-Semitism in the 1930’s being directly related to the individual views of Martin Luther four hundred years earlier. Ideas like this thrill me and I hope that we are lectured on more cause-effect history.I am confident that I am putting in adequate pre-departure review of the history of Germany to have a basic frame to piece together ideas pertinent to the shaping of the nation.

On a more surface view of my aspirations for the experiences of Germany, I am looking forward to the new tastes, smells and experiences that await there. I am also looking forward to getting to know the customs of the people as well as the individuals going on the trip.

I am currently still trying to throw all of my stuff that feels warm into a bag and trying to remember all the papers I’m supposed to bring. I can’t wait to get to know everyone and to experience new things with new people. Hooray German beer!

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