Friday, December 26, 2008

I can't believe it!

It still hasn't completely hit me that I'm leaving for 3 weeks in Germany tomorrow! I feel like I just barely had time to see everyone at home and relax after a hectic fall semester. Still, even with the subconscious denial that I'm leaving soon, I am so incredibly excited about this trip! I have been to Europe once before, but it was under completely different circumstances. For that trip, I had just graduated from high school, I knew almost all of the 30 kids going, and it was purely a fun-oriented, sightseeing excursion. Now, I'm in the middle of my sophomore year, I kind of know a few people going on the trip, and this is going to be a life-changing learning experience (though I'm sure we will get *plenty* of sightseeing in!). I am definitely looking forward to getting to know everyone really well over the next few weeks, and I cannot wait to immerse myself in German culture. Since the group I went with last was so big and every single moment was planned for us, there was no freedom to simply wander and explore on our own. That, I think, will be one of the best parts: being able to find out for myself cool spots in Germany that I like. The part of the program that I am most looking forward to is the opportunity that we will have to observe an operation. I have never been in a lab or job that allowed me to be in the operating room or dissect anything myself (besides a rat in 6th grade!), so that should definitely be a neat experience. Though I am excited about tomorrow and the following weeks, I am also a bit apprehensive. Besides the tiny fear I have of travelling internationally alone, I also feel nervous about stepping way outside of my comfort zone. Very rarely do I place myself in situations where I am kind of going in blind and not surrounded by friends, but this will help me be able to do that, and I'm sure others have similar anxieties that we can work through together! :) Oh, and I am most definitely anticipating the awesome German food that is praised by everyone that has been to Germany. I have very high expectations for this trip in every aspect: educational, cultural, even social, and I have no doubt that they will all be met and exceeded by the time it's time to go home!
Now I'm off to charge my ipod, buy a warm hat, eat some Mexican food (oh, I will miss it), and start (yes, I am the ultimate procrastinator) packing my duffel! See you all in a couple days!

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