Sunday, August 27, 2017

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, I traveled throughout Europe and had amazing adventures with wonderful new friends. When my time abroad came to an end, I didn't want to leave; but now that I am back home, it almost feels like my time across the Atlantic was a dream. I tell people stories from my weeks in Germany, but I sometimes have to remind myself that they really happened... I really traveled around Europe, having incredible experiences and learning so much.
I thought that adjusting back to my life here in Texas would be difficult, but it proved to be easier than I originally thought. I didn't want to leave Germany, but I was also glad to be home.
I came back as a changed person. I had learned more about myself in 6 weeks than I have in years. I found a new sense of independence and a stronger desire to explore this beautiful planet.
Before leaving for this trip, I was nervous and unsure what to expect. I didn't know how the classes would be, and I honestly didn't think that I'd be doing as much traveling as I did. I had no idea that I would be changed in the way that I was, or that I would end up leaving part of my heart in Germany. This trip ended up being one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. It surpassed any and every expectation I had, and I was honestly surprised at how incredible it was.
I learned more about a beautiful part of the world which I had never been to, and I learned about the fascinating history of medicine. I saw so many incredible places full of history and had many unparalleled experiences. Even though I was able to learn more about science and history, the most important takeaway from this study abroad was everything I learned about myself. I decided to go across the world and live there for 6 weeks without knowing anyone else going on the trip... because of this, I found a new sense of independence and a new strength. I am proud of the person growth I've gone through, and I feel like I am a better person because of it.
So thank you, Dr. Wasser and Professor Waltz, for fostering an incredible learning environment and for teaching us so many wonderful things. I can't put into words how amazing this trip was and what an impact it has had in my life. I will forever cherish the memories I made, and I cannot wait for the day I get to go back to the places I visited.

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