Sunday, August 27, 2017

Best 6 weeks of my life

After coming back to the states after 6 weeks of Europe was something I thought I would never say.  It was the most amazing experience I have ever had.  Everything I do now reminds me of Europe and how amazing it was.  I seriously can not wait to go back and experience it again, but now with more confidence.  Going to Europe made me into the whole new person that is excited to try so many new things.  Whenever I am hesitant to try something new,  I think about a time in Europe that was new to me and the confidence I had while doing it.  I have been able to keep up with people that I met in Europe and every time I see something like pictures of Vienna, it makes me wish I was there again.  It made me appreciate things that I would've never appreciated before.  I never knew how much I would miss something like normal bottled water or even driving to a place whenever I wanted.  These were things that I took for granted here in the states but even so, I would trade them so that I could go back to Europe.  The people, the culture, the cities are all so different from what I am used to and to be able to experience something like this was once in a lifetime.  I had the ability to visit 4 different countries and over 15 different cities.  It was absolutely amazing to be able to experience so many different types of culture varying from Germany to Amsterdam.  Every where had something completely different than the place before it ranging from the way people treated me to the way the buildings looked.  Whenever I talk to someone new the topic of Europe always somehow comes up and I love the fact that I can talk so confidently about traveling, studying, and adapting to a new culture.  I was able to come back to America feeling different in multiple different ways.  It made me more open minded about different topics.  After going to Europe for 6 weeks I look forward to going back next summer.  Europe is my new favorite place to go and it is something that I will always look forward to.

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