Wednesday, August 05, 2015

The Last Blog

 Literally everything is legal. which is scary. The red light district was disturbing/frightening/jawdropping/weird/catastromical/ and uneraseable. I only stayed in Amsterdam for one day then went to Belgium. Which is probably a good thang. We went and saw a transparent church in Belgium. It is made of iron and it was built by Gijis Van Vaerenbergh. I attached a pic so take a peek. your eyes will thank you. After that we visited the Texas to Bastogne museum that Texas A&M built. The museum tells the story about Earl Rudder and other Aggies in the Battle of of the Bulge. It was pretty cool. They are tearing it down and moving it to College Station pretty soon so it's nice that we saw it in Belgium. and yes we had a Belgium waffle and chocolate. I had the chance to mix the two but the circumstances weren't in my favor. Oh I lost my credit card in Belgium. It was fun getting to meet up with my friend Jonathan that lives in Belgium. My taste buds got to experience the strongest Belgian beer. 12%. He was a foreign exchange student back at my hometown and so he let us stay the weekend with him and his family. 'twas fun.
Next we went back to Bonn for 4 days. We got to scrub in on some surgeries which was cool. I got to see 4 Vertebroplasty procedures. they hammer 4 rods in their back like a lumberjack and filled the fractured vertebra. This was my favorite thing of the week. The doctor I was assigned to was a young attractive woman that spoke pretty good english. This was my second favorite thing of the week. She started medical school when she was 19.
After 4 days in Bonn we hopped over to Berlin. We toured the Parliament building, had a bike tour of Berlin, which was scary, saw the Berlin Wall, The Holocaust Memorial, and visited the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Visiting the camp definitely gave me a different point of view on things. I attached a picture that shows how real the bromance was.

Story time
1. Our last night in Bonn the Drei Amigo (Buford, Jacob, and Collin) ate at a restaurant called Pendel. Buford ordered a beer and the waitress asked to see his ID. note: the drinking age in Germany for beer is 16. I really thought I would have been the first to get carded out of the group cause I'm the only one that doesn't have facial hair. its smooth as a baby's bottom. I shaved my face for the first time when I was 18.5 years old. Fun fact I graduated my freshman year of college I weighed 130 and nowI weigh 170. I've gained 40 pounds since my freshman year of college. I made fun of Buffered but then in Berlin when I ordered wine a lady didn't believe me that I was 18.

2.On the fairy to Norderney, Germany this cute little kid was eating a burger. He was probably about 7 or 8. He was literally like 2 bites in to the burger and this seagull just swoops down and steals it Jameis Winston style. that savage. If that seagull can't fly with a whole burger in his mouth he derives it. I felt bad for the kid because he was balling his eyes out but literally everybody on the fairy was laughing.

3. Some people know the story about my roommate but here is a quick overview. I was doing laundry, my roommate tried to open the door while my stuff was in the washer and broke the handle, blamed it on me, and my host mom got mad at me. So after that my host mom wouldn't let me do my own laundry. She wasn't home one night so i secretly did a few loads. So the day before we left for Berlin I gave her my white socks. Im pretty sure to get revenge she kidnapped a smurf and threw him in the washer too cause literally all my socks came out blue. 8 pairs of nike white socks. My heart was shattered.

4. Last story. I'm not sure what the name of the restaurant was but the guys were eating at a place in Bonn. It was pretty chilly outside so we sat inside. At the end of the meal we were waiting on the rechnung (the bill), and we started to smell something burning. We turn around and this guys' newspaper is on fire. literally fire. There was a candle on the table so I'm guessing the flame and the newspaper connected. just a guess though. Like 1/4 of the newspaper was burned before he put it out but he just continued reading it like nothing happen.

I actually lost weight on this trip.
My GoPro is shipped off to get fixed and my selfie stick is somewhere in London I think.
I never found a lederhosen but one day a lederhosen will find me.
Lost my luggage but I ain't got no worries
Went to Rosas my first day back in Texas and my tummy was satisfied.

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