Sunday, February 24, 2013

Berlin and the FREE Weekend

January 6, 2013
Second stop…BERLIN! This was a long awaited city that I was so excited to finally visit. We finally arrived and the city was so alive. Berlin reminded me a lot of New York City. After we arrived we got ready for our New Years Eve festivities. Wasser and Susanne took us to the huge “party street” that had so many people, kiosks, and live music all directing us towards the Brandenburg Gate. This night was definitely a night I will never forget. I was honestly so blessed to just be in a different country on New Years Eve much less Berlin, a place that people plan their years around to come and see this war zone of a celebration. Next morning we slept in and then headed out to see Berlin. A few of my favorite sites were what was left of the Berlin Wall, Hitler’s Bunker, the Brandenburg Gates, and typical enough the hotel that Michael Jackson dangled his baby from the balcony. The next day we went to Dresden by train and got to see another round of beautiful buildings and churches, and got loaded down with more history lessons. My favorite sites here were the cathedral and the breath taking river scene. The next day we visited the Charite Museum and skill-training center for doctors, which was very fascinating. We learned about the differences in Berlin’s medical school system vs. the State’s system. Afterwards we were able to do some hands on activities that showed us how some of their students were trained. Later that night we toured the Reichstag Building, their governmental building that houses their parliament. Our last day in Berlin we visited the Otto Bock Science Center. It was very hands on and interesting to see all the prosthetic devices they have come up with most recently. After the museum we were on our own to visit the city of our choice for the FREE weekend!
My group had a LONG train ride to Munich. We arrived around 1am. We were hoping for snow in Munich, but instead it was freezing and raining. We half way found our way to our hotel, and decided that it would be a good idea to walk the rest of the way when we found out the buses had stopped running. No. We were miserably mistaken. We ended up walking a good mile or two in the freezing rain. Not only that, but I came to find out that my luggage broke. Nevertheless, the Aggies were playing that night so the boys some how streamed the game when we finally found our hotel, but most of us fell asleep. Next morning we woke up bright and early and went on another adventure to find a lost wallet. We ended up at the police station. After a rough start to Munich we were determined to still make the best of it. We headed out to go to the nearest concentration camp, Dachau. This will probably be one of my favorite memories in Germany no matter how depressing it may be. I was honestly extremely nervous to see it, but more than glad that I did. The feeling I got earlier at the Elde Haus was a thousand times more magnified here. The weather was wet and gloomy, much like I imagined it would be back when it was active. Every step I took I imagined the thousands of prisoners that took that same step, but could not even bare to imagine the pain they bore. Seeing all of the proof and original/mock setups was hard to wrap my mind around especially walking through the crematorium. We spent several hours there and still were not able to see everything. We took a train ride back and decided to lighten the mood by going to the all-famous Brauhaus’s aka beer halls. Our first one was Augustiner Keller where we ate dinner. The rest of the night was so much fun which was basically filled with walking into any and every bar in sight. Next morning was check-out time and time to salvage what time we had left in Munich. This is by far my favorite weekend so far. We are now on the train ride to meet up with the rest of our group. Cannot wait to see what Hannover and Vienna have in store for us!

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