Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Vienna: A Wonderful City and A Perfect Ending

Although it was my second time to visit Vienna, it was just as wonderful and beautiful as the first time! The city of Vienna combines old architecture with a new, modern spirit flawlessly. I would definitely have to say Vienna is one of the more beautiful cities we visited on this trip. But my time there was filled with many visits to hospitals, museums, and other cultural centers. One of my favorite things we did while we were there was seeing Mozart's, "The Magic Flute". Music has always been a large part of my life so I loved getting to experience a real opera. Even though I couldn't really understand what they were saying, the music and the costumes was more than enough to keep me entertained.

Along with the opera, one of my other favorite activities we did was visit St. Stephen's cathedral and the catacombs. I think St. Stephen's was one of my favorite cathedrals we visited on the trip. The trip to the catacombs was also quite amazing. It's fascinating to see all of the history each city and church has. In the states, the oldest building we could have is 300 years old, which is young compared to the buildings in Europe. I think that's what makes Europe so special to people, especially those of us from the states. The history is so rich and impressive.

The next day the group traveled to Mödling, a small town right outside of Vienna. We were fortunate enough to get to spend the entire morning with a team of cardiologists and shadow their every move. It was really amazing to see everything they could do with the technology they have today. One of the cardiologists did an EKG on one of the students on the trip, which was really cool to see! Just the fact that we got to watch so many procedures and we got to see it up close was such a great part of the trip. In each city we got to shadow a different specialty and learn about what each type of doctor did. In all we shadowed doctors specializing in cardiology, internal medicine, nephrology, and surgery. It was an amazing experience! The town of Mödling was also a really lovely city. We finished the day at a traditional Viennese restaurant, which was delicious. It was a perfect way to end the day and the trip!

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