Friday, January 13, 2012

Is this trip almost HANNOVER already?! So punny. (January 9th)

Aren't I just so punny? I hope you got my pun, but if you didn't it again.

After Prague the group journeyed to Hannover! The first day in Hannover was not spent in Hannover. Confusing right?! We arrived in Duderstadt where the Otto Bock Center is located. The group had previously visited the Otto Bock Science Center in Berlin, but the center in Duderstadt is where the main factory and research center is based in Germany. The day was spent learning more about the company, taking a tour of the factory and research center, learning about job opportunities with Otto Bock, eating a delicious lunch in the VIP lounge, and playing with all of the cool displays because we're all easily distracted and nerdy. It was the first time I've ever really been to a large scale factory, and it was very impressive. I'm pretty sure all of the engineers on the trip were peeing their pants a little. But anyone can admit how amazing and brilliant these types of factories can be. The take home message from the tour of the packaging and shipping center is that robots will eventually rule the world.

I kid, that's not the only message I took away from the Otto Bock Center. The Otto Bock company is quite a fascinating company. It's one of the leading companies in prosthetic manufacturing and has clearly impacted many peoples' lives. The type of products they make range from basic orthotics to prosthetic arms and legs to wheelchairs made especially for handicapped basketball players. So many people have Otto Bock to thank for giving them more flexibility and ability in their lives.

Our visit to the Otto Bock center was really enjoyable for everyone! The medical students learned more about how the prosthetics work with the body, the physical therapy students learned about how it affected the patient's lives and abilities, and the biomedical engineers...well we all know how it was for them.

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