Thursday, February 28, 2008

Germany on My Mind

I carry Germany with me everyday. I've been planning on doing this post for a long time, but I have so much to say that I knew I would need to set out a time where I can get all my thoughts down. Being back in College Station has been a whirlwind adventure. But now all the souveniers are given out, the pictures have been posted, tagged, commented, and shown to anyone who will listen, and i have finally managed to stop saying enshuldegung to random people. So this is the time that I can see what Germany has really left me with. For one there is great friends. I am really glad we all manage to still get together even so far in the semester. I feel as if I share a bond that only few can understand.

Everyday I pass Hannover street on my way to school, or anytime I travel Wellborn and I stop and think of the amazing adventures we had. My friend told me he lived on past Brandenburg street the other day and I instantly pictured New Years. I love having these memories to look back on. Germany has changed me forever.... whether its with new memories to dream about or repecting a free bathroom and some still-non mineral water.

The story I love to tell most is about the heart surgery. People look at me with a new-found awe. It is something that I was extremely lucky to be a part of. The picture of the first anatomy class came up in a movie that I watched with my friend the other day. She cringed, and I am sure the other movie-goers would have loved to popcorn me as I proceeded to tell her all about the lack of anesthesia and other details of the painting.

The question comes up also... what are you planning for your birthday, or what did you do for your birthday.... I get to smile at this as well as I imagine us eating elephant apples at the zoo and celebrating in Cologne.

I have a healthy respect for anyone who has been out of the country and now I get to have that luxury as well. I think that everyone should spend sometime exploring outside of their comfort zone, even if it is not Germany. (though its my favorite recommendation!!!) Amerjca is great, theres no doubt about that.. but it is not the only amazing country. There's a whole world out there that few get to experience.

I know this seems like jumbled thoughts, but thats how I know that it has impacted me in such a way. It only takes the smallest thing to tip me into another Germany story, memory or photo. Thats how close to my heart this trip was. I want to thank Dr. Wasser and Stefanie for everything that they did for us. It has changed my life.

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