Saturday, February 28, 2009

Life Since Returning to the States

Talk about the trip of a lifetime. It's hard to decide how to even begin this final blog, but here goes nothing...

First things first-- I absolutely COULD NOT have asked for a better group of people to spend my Christmas break with. This includes all of the students, Dr. Wasser, Steffi, Olaf, Dr. Zack, and all of the tour guides, professors, doctors, surgons, and various others we can in contact with over the course of the trip. From day one in Germany, I felt at home with everyone, and there really was never a moment that I felt lonely or without a friend. I had such a great time getting to know everyone, and keeping in touch with people once we got back to the states. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this semester.

Before the trip started, I really didnt know what to expect, and had no idea what I would gain from the experience, though I knew it would have a profound effect on me without a doubt. I remember being surprisingly calm about going on a trip to another country with 14 other college kids that I barely knew. Although I also remember being being nervous about actually making it across the Atlantic and to where I was supposed to be, by myself. Traveling successfully on my own was what I was the most proud of myself for, and was a big confidence builder-- I feel like I can go anywhere and do anything on my own now!

I cant say that I really experienced any reverse-culture shock since returning to the states, besides the fact that my life in Texas seems very boring compared to my 3-week life in Germany. Although its nice to be back on my normal routine of classes, tests, and trying to have a little fun inbetween, the first few weeks back I felt a little empty inside. Making my scrapbook of pictures and old tickets stubs helped ease a little bit of the pain though.. ;)

It still seems surreal to me all the amazing places that I was able to see, and for that, I am so blessed. Seeing the Anne Frank House and the Sachsenhausen concentration camp are two of the first things that come to mind when people ask me about the trip, and are experiences that I will cherish forever. It is places like these that can change the way you look at the world and and the way you look at life. Seeing the open-heart surgery in Bad Oeynhausen and the cow surgery at the vet school in Hannover are experiences that I will NEVER forget, and that I will being telling people about for years to come.

I can definitely say that I have a new-found passion for German history, and I have Dr. Wasser to thank for that. One of the first things I did when I got back home to College Station was rent the movie Downfall, and buy a book about the euthanasia and Nazi Doctors. Learning about history in a classroom in College Station, Texas can hardly compare to learning about the history of a place while you a there to actually experience it. Having a lecture about Sigmund Freud IN Sigmund Freud's old house is something that not many people have been able to do.

I remember mentioning not knowing what I wanted to do with my life career-wise in my first blog, and saying something along the lines of hopefully gaining some perspective in this area while in Germany. The experience undoubtedly gave me a growing passion for a career in the medical field-- whether that be medical school, PA school, working with medical devices, etc. Medicine is something that is studied and practiced in cultures all around the world, and there is so much to be learned and experienced. I aspire to work abroad sometime in my life, and studying in Germany has only made me more inclined to do so.

My overall experience during the trip exceeded my expectations far more than I could ever express. I cannot thank Dr. Wasser enough for all that he did, and it was so great getting to know him as a proffessor and as a friend. I also cannot go without thanking Steffi, Olaf, and Dr. Zack again for all the hard work they did for all us. I hope to one day see all of them again. I would recommend this trip to ANYONE and would do it all over again in a heartbeat. This trip is something that I will remember forever, and will hopefully be telling my grandkids about someday.

Danke and Auf wiedersehen!!

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