Monday, June 30, 2014

Closed Suitcase, Open Mind

Excited would be an understatement, but prepared is far from accurate as well. I have packed, unpacked, and repacked twice already. The tasks to complete before departing are dwindling down, and Europe is just around the corner. While I have been looking forward to our travels for some time, it definitely approached rather quickly. I am most ready to be engulfed in a unique culture with like minded and driven individuals. I have worked diligently to be able to take part in this program and am anxiously awaiting Wednesday's departure!

I have a rich German heritage that has greatly driven my desire to be part of this program. My grandparents still tell stories of their time in Germany before migrating to America. I have family friends in the country that have given me a small taste of their lifestyle when visiting my family in Texas. Spending time in Germany has been on my bucket list for quite some time, and this program appeared to be the perfect experience. My passion for traveling, medicine, and my German heritage are all wrapped up into one incredible opportunity.

Throughout this study abroad program, I will strive to remain extremely open minded. I expect to have my views of the world expanded and molded. I hope to pick up a little of the German language while abroad and expect to make great friends as well. I have traveled before and am not so nervous about the logistical aspects of the program. However, I do have a slight anxiety that I will unknowingly do or say something that is offensive to our host culture. I am beyond thankful for this opportunity and would absolutely hate to unintentionally offend anyone I encounter. Nevertheless, I will embrace this experience with a full heart and longing to learn.

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