Wednesday, June 25, 2008

One week and counting....

Alright! So it's less than a week til I leave from NM to go to Dallas! And this time next week I'll be on a flight to NY!!! I'm very excited about it! Though it doesn't really feel like I'm going. I keep saying it, but it still doesn't seem like a reality. I heard from the family Sharon and I are staying with. They seem very nice. And they have a 22 year old daughter that lives with them, which I think will be pretty cool. Other than that pretty normal fam I think.
Ok let see, the biggest thing I'm nervous about is the actual travelling by myself. I mean I've travelled by myself before, but not to another country. And I'm a little nervous about what to expect over there exactly. Obviously it will be very different, but I don't know in what ways exactly! I've been to the British Virgin Islands, which is the only time I've been 'out of country' but that was hardly that much of a culture difference.
So I'm looking forward to this and can't wait to start this adventure!!! See you all in a week!!!!!! Yay! Safe travelling!

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