Saturday, August 24, 2019

Annnd, we’re back..

Reverse-culture shock is definitely a thing. It’s only been 2 and a half weeks since I’ve been back in the states and there are so many things I miss. I miss my hos mom more than anything. Christiane SPOILED me and I appreciate her more than ever. I miss hearing German. I never knew hearing a language I didn’t understand would ever feel like a safety blanket, but it does now. I miss seeing history on every street you all down. I miss the friends I made in Germany. BUT, I am also glad to be in the states, I just don’t feel comfortable calling either place home. My heart is in both places. I’m glad I’m near family though. And I’m so beyond thankful for ice and free refills.

There are some things I implemented into my everyday life in Germany that I hope to continue in America. First: recycling. I see now more than ever how waisteful of a country the US is. I bought bins for my house and set up a system like the one I was already send to in Germany. I have a bin for plastic, paper, (I added glass), metal, and residual. I may not make that much of a difference in the grand scheme of America, but hopefully I can encourage others to start doing their part also. I also have started taking my own bags to the grocery store. I have them and didn't really use them before I went to Germany, but now I will! I keep them in my car and everything. Going along with producing less waist, paper bags instead of baggie for lunch is so much better for the environment and such an easy switch. I’ve been wrapping my sandwiches for lunch in paper and I feel so environmentally counsious! Finally, in the future, I want to have a garden. My host parents did and fresh ingredients really do taste differently. I also had less digestion issues and I think that had a lot to do with the lack of processed foods I ate.

Lastly, since I’ve been back, I had a nephew born and got to spend an entire week with the ‘lil man! He’s the most perfect human on Earth. While I’m happy that I got to be here for that and see my family and friends, I still miss Germany and the lifestyle I had abroad. I learned so much and it definitely changed my outlook on the world. I’m not worried though, because I know I will be back. Who knows, maybe it will be with a husband and kids some day, or maybe a vacation with my brothers and sisters. It doesn’t mater, because the German culture has influenced my life and will always be a part of who I am.

My Street: Plitersdorferstrasse

My home away from home

Tye Dodd Davis.
The most beautiful baby boy ever!
I had to show him off! I’m a proud aunt!!

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