Saturday, July 13, 2019

And now my watch is ended

I totally did not forget to write the last blog post, I have no idea why anyone would think that

Monday: went to to class and learned and stuff, spent the night at Shane's because we had been relaxing by the river and lost track of time.

Tuesday: Last day of class followed by last day with the host family. Blake and I watched the USWNT advance to the finals with our host family and we visited with them for the remainder of the night. Wolli BBQ'd for us and it was good and sad because it was the last night.

Wednesday: Mandy cried when we said goodbye, I kept it together and we headed out to Berlin. On Wednesday we toured a medical museum and got a walking tour of Berlin in which we saw numerous historical areas. Finished off the day at a local bar before turning in for the night. 
(Brandenburg gate and the site of the infamous book burning)

Thursday: My Berlin Day, we were given a tour of Berlin by our guide Mo, who was a Syrian refugee. He talked about the history of Syria leading up to his flight from Syria and how he escaped...very moving stuff. He connected all of this to Berlin's past and led us to examples of this such as Checkpoint Charlie representing borders and what borders meant to a refugee. After this we ate at a Syrian restaurant which was awesome. I was a bit confused at why Blake ate about 3 pounds of rice, but to each their own I suppose. After this we gave a presentation about what we had learned then went back to the hotel to regroup for the night. I had a blast, but did not get back until really late.

Friday: After a humbling tour of Sachsenhausen we had a much more uplifting tour of a music history museum where our guide played movie themes on an organ (was dope). We then had our farewell dinner at Merhaba complete with Wasser and Waltz belly dancing and plenty of good food and drink. After some emotional goodbyes I elected to turn in for the night as my Thursday adventures and my long stay had worn me out. 

Saturday: Not officially part of the trip, but worth including because of how much it sucked. Long story short I was supposed to get home at 5, I got home at 10 (F you Philly). At least I wasn't delayed until Monday like poor Melissa was (RiP). Reflections I will save for my post analysis in like a month, but all I will say is this: I loved each and every single person on this trip and it was a life changing experience. I'll miss you all and remember, always look for wifi in de train. 

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