Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Brexit and Germanentry (Hahaha)

Coming in live from my Aunt's house in good ole' Bethnal Green (a hip little area in London):

Finally. I have stuffed my bags with as much as I can possibly carry without paying outrageous fees, and, after much stress over check ins and packing, I can relax before my early 7 AM flight. After an eventful three weeks in my lovely London amongst other places, this next journey seems... Right. I've been to several countries in my short twenty one years but I've never been anywhere on my own. This new journey is a completely new experience for me, and I'm beyond ready. The thrill of a new city must be that much more exciting when you're on your own. 
Of course there are some concerns: my main one probably being the language barrier. While I've attempted to sit down and learn a few phrases so that I don't come across as a rude American, they just don't sound quite as right when paired with my southern Texas accent and hint of English tone. After my recent experience in Italy, I've learned that gestures and smiles are key when you don't speak the language. I'm a little nervous because the woman in my host family said that she doesn't speak very good English, but I'm sure we will figure it out. Another concern I have is missing my dog. It probably sounds silly but my pup Milo is my world and I've already been away from him for three weeks so far! I get lots of updates but I definitely miss him the most out of everyone and everything back in the States. 
The last thing I'm concerned about- and am concerned about every time I travel- is how people view America and Americans. It saddens me to hear people's views on my country and saddens me even more that sometimes, I don't know what to say to defend my country against their criticism. However, I haven't been to Germany before so hopefully there are some positive views I just haven't heard yet. 

So, to recap: Nervous? A little. Ready? Absolutely. 

See you guys across the pond! 


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