Monday, September 21, 2009

The Real Life

My name is Andrew Reimers. My parents are Joseph and Laurie, and my brothers are Christopher and Erich. I have several close friends from home with whom I try to stay in touch. I live on campus. Most of my time between Sunday evening to Thursday afternoon is spent at work, in class, or in my room studying for class. The rest of the time I try to play as hard as possible. My best friends are either down the hall or within a bike ride of my room. My hobbies include writing amateurish sports essays, listening to podcasts, lifting weights, reading books that take themselves to seriously, and watching different HBO series on DVD.

Six weeks in Germany.

A lot of my energy goes into thinking about the future. Until July 3, 2009, my imagination was thoroughly occupied with the eminent excurrsion abroad. Dreams of schnitzel filled my sleep. This would be my pilgrimage. Nothing could be more exciting.

Six weeks back home.

Time for my first and final cliche truism of the Bonn Blogging experience. Something about "you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone."

My life is great. My friends are great. I'm living the American Dream more fully than most people ever have the opportunity to do. It only took a twelve thousand dollar oddyssey for me to stop taking it for granted.

The trip was great. I learned a lot about the world and about people. I cannot thank Dr. Wasser and the AIB faculty enough. I will certainly be traveling again, maybe albeit more of a verteran than before.

Andrew Reimers, signing off

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