Saturday, July 23, 2011

second weekend

Friday July 15th

Today I woke up early and packed my backpack for the weekend I was about to spend in Switzerland. My host family was nice enough to make me food for the weekend so I didn’t have to spend money in Switzerland which is expensive due to tourists. They made me schnitzel from chicken and ham sandwiches. These would last me all weekend and save me around 40 euros. Before we left for Switzerland we took a tour of DLR and the ESA (European space agency). This was interesting to see how NASA and the ESA differed. Apparently the rest of the world is dependent on Russia for space travel. They used to rely on the USA. We also toured a castle from the 19th century and saw how the Dukes of Germany lived before uniting into one country under the Wilhelm Empire. We arrived in Interlaken, Switzerland around 1130 at night and walked to our hostel in Bonigen. This was an easy 20 minute walk and ended up being a very nice and quiet hostel. I wasn’t on my own like I had planned because other peoples plans for Paris had started to fall through. The others should have booked the train to Paris a few weeks in advance but decided to do it the day before. So four others joined me in Switzerland. We entered our room around 1200 pm and everyone was already asleep so this was good for us and bad for them.

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