Friday, July 01, 2011

Procrastination is a Lifestyle

I can't believe I'm leaving for the Airport in an hour to go to Germany, a place I used to call home. I have no idea what to expect I feel like the image I have in my head from when I was younger has been edited by time. But that's okay because these 20-year-old eyes are starving for something new and adventurous to cling to and that's what they're gonna get.
I guess the main difference about this trip and all of the other ones I've been on is that in a sense I am alone. Sure I'll have my classmates and teachers there to guide and talk to but for the first time a trip won't consist of my parents dragging me into every church and museum along the way. On the weekend trips and shenanigans I'm sure we will get up to during the week I want to spend time experiencing the different cultures and meeting local people and just really getting a feeling for what each country is about.
Above all I'm incredibly excited for the 'study' part of this trip abroad. For six weeks I get spend time immersed in the history of medicine, one of the only things I've truly been passionate about. I'm sure we are going to meet so many brilliant people who are changing the face of medicine right now and what I'm hoping to gain is a sense of where I want to ultimately go with my medical career.
This trip is going to be insane and I can't wait to step off the plane into a new world that will be my home for the next 6 weeks. Just gotta finish packing. And find my darn laptop charger.

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